The art of an edit for a film or show captivates me. Well, it should. The point of a good trailer is to captivate. What makes a trailer powerful is the collection of images and music together to tell only a fragment of a story. Our brains are amazing and fill in the gaps. This needs to be remembered when making online films because allowing the audience some credit that they can figure out a lot. Being literal with creative work is unnecessary and only cuts short the audience ability to create understanding for themselves.
HBO makes beautiful trailers, obviously. Here is a new show, Euphoria. Follows "a group of high school students as they navigate drugs, sex, identity, trauma, social media, love and friendship." A show produced by Drake and directed by Sam Levinson. Below, there are two versions of the same trailer with different sound tracks applied. Both are successful.
The edit is great, with punctuations of the visual with the beat of the track. And that track hits the tone of what maybe that arc and tone of the deeper storyline. It’s Symphonies from Dan Black & Kid Kudi.
Same trailer, for the same show, new track. Still hits the vibe of the visuals and has a strong beat to edit with. this track is Hex from Ark Patrol.
This show looks like a stress attack for parents. What I like about it is that re-edits of the trailer are in circulation at the same time. Continual exploration of the creative expression is just it. There is no finish line.