We wanted to create opportunities for the fans to interact with this project that will potentially change the landscape of the city. The idea of having a large petition that fans could sign was interesting to us because the petition could act as a storytelling device on it’s own. Once this petition was full of signatures it would be sent to the Major League Baseball commission to let them know that the fans want this team. Filling up a large petition was no problem. They are on their 3rd one now.
Creating art installations in the space was our focus. Creating this large MLB PDX wall out of baseballs is an opportunity for fans to have a unique self backdrop. It also functions as an interview space functions as a fan headquarters.
Locals fans have posted their own reviews of the store, which was the whole point. Fandom is for everyone. We just made a space for it to grow.
Why work so hard when you can have the local news do the work for you. Every time I have been into the store to check it out, and see how it’s holding up, I see written on the petition several times, a quote from the movie Field of Dreams. “If you build it, they will come.” In this case we built a place for the idea of the team to grow inside of people. Nothing more powerful than dreams.
Stadium Architectural Rendering
Portland Diamond Project manifesto
Portland Baseball History shadowbox