Name: Tony Frusciante
Title: Creative Director
Background: I am a seeker. I love exploring places which is why I ride a bicycle, a lot. I am really curious to learn about people which is why I travel, a lot. Telling stories is just fun which is why I do that for a living, a lot. Building connections with new people and learning new ideas is why I am coming to work at Off Madison.
Hobbies: Spandex, tan lines, tacos and getting lost.
Boards/Organizations: I have given 4A’s presentations, but I am not on the board or anything. I want to join the Phoenix chapter of the AIGA. Open to other suggestions.
Arizona State University - Studied: Urban Geography
San Francisco Bike Messenger - Studied: People
The Center for Electronic Art - Studied: Multimedia Design
California College of the Arts - Studied: Graphic Design
A career in advertising - Studied: Storytelling
Living in foreign countries such as Thailand, India, Belgium, Vietnam, and others - Studied: Me.